TravelBullz Digital Wallet

Digital Contract Signing :

Digital contract signing is equivalent of signing of a physical contract. You would be able to sign using your mouse, pointer or digital pen on the screen of your computer itself.

While TravelBullz would be recording your IP ADRESS, LOCAITON , DATE & TIME STAMP for validity of this contract and registering your consent of your to the terms and conditions of TravelBullz HK Limited.

By signing and accepting the terms and conditions you undertake that you have the authority to sign on behalf of your company.

Digital contract signing is equivalent of signing of a physical contract. You would be able to sign using your mouse, pointer or digital pen on the screen of your computer itself.

While Lots of Vacations would be recording your IP ADRESS, LOCAITON , DATE & TIME STAMP for validity of this contract and registering your consent of your to the terms and conditions of Lots of Vacations.

By signing and accepting the terms and conditions you undertake that you have the authority to sign on behalf of your company.

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